What We Believe

Statement of Beliefs

God is the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; One in Essence and Three in Persons. We recognize and worship Him as one God.

Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He died, arose after three days in the tomb, and now sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of Godhead who teaches and comforts the believer. We believe in His work, power, fruit and gifts. It’s the power of God’s Holy Spirit that helps us do the right things. We are not strong enough to live the Christian life on our own.

The Bible is the perfect and divinely inspired Word of God. The sixty-six canonical books of the Bible, as originally written, provide the only foundation of Christian faith and practice, government and discipline.

We are saved by grace, through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who forever paid the price for our sin. That faith is evident in our lives through right thinking and actions.

The Church is the Body of Christ and uniquely exists to extend the love of God to the world around us, through both our words and our work, and to lead believers toward spiritual maturity, as followers of Christ.

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is coming back visibly to the earth, to judge the living and the dead. The wicked will receive eternal punishment, as the reward of their evil deeds. Christ will reward those who trust and serve Him, and we will rule and reign with Him for eternity.

What type of Church is theChapel?

We are a non-denominational church and part of a church planting initiative called ARC, which is the Association of Related Churches. We’re really, just a bunch of people from different backgrounds, and different life experiences tryin’ to figure it out.

The Association of Related Churches (ARC) is an organization of pastors and churches that focus on building strong relationships between pastors and ministry leaders. The ARC is available to encourage, provide guidance, and help with ministry development for pastors across the U.S.