We all know that the middle school years are not the easiest ones. Every day is filled with challenges and choices. This time of life is important so we've designed an atmosphere perfect for MS Students where they'll feel loved, encouraged, welcomed, and included.
In MSWE (Middle School Weekend Experience) not only will they grow in their relationship with Jesus but they'll step deeper into the life He has just for them. Every weekend at our Trinity Location, you can expect a fun atmosphere with games, music and snacks. We will spend time leaning into what God‘s word has to say about our lives and then get together in groups to talk about how to live what we’ve learned. It's located in Room 205 during all four weekend service times (Sat. 6pm & Sun. 9am, 10:30am & 12pm).
Got a question? You can always contact us via email at Students@theChapel.cc