Leader Help
This page is here as your guide for everything you need to know to lead a connect group! We want to equip you with the best resources to have the best experience with your Group. Just call us Trip Advisor.
First off, we want to thank you for stepping out to do something that will help people connect. We have a deep conviction that connection leads to transparency, and transparency leads to freedom. You are facilitating connections that will be an answer to prayer for some and a blessing to all. You’re helping people to grow stronger every day and live in the freedom God created us for.
When will groups meet? September 14 – December 14. Day of the week and time is your choice.
How often will groups meet? Every week.
How long are the meetings? Allow 90-minutes for the meeting plus about 30-minutes for hanging out afterward.
What do I need for the first night?
- Straighten up the house, and put out some refreshments
- Preview the content here
- That’s it…literally, that’s it. We told you it was easy.
- In-person invitation.
- Hit your contact list.
- Who follows you on social media?
- Meet people in the church lobby.
- Try praying about it.
- Additionally, people will be able to browse your Group at thechapel.cc/groups. People will be able to find your group online as of September 7th, when our Groups directory goes LIVE.
Your weekly leader guide will be available at theChapel.cc/you-voted. It’s a simple set of instructions, a short video to play for the group, and some questions to ask. Everything you need to lead the discussion is included. You might want to watch the video ahead of time to prepare yourself, but the study guide will do most of the work for you.
- Remember: It is GOD alone who has assembled your Group and given you the opportunity to lead. Without question, it is GOD who will supply the grace and the strength to guide you and your Group through this series. God is in charge. Rely solely on Him and be faithful in prayer for strength and wisdom. You were not selected to do this on your own, nor were you selected to serve without being served. Be open and willing for how GOD wants to use you to lead while He alone does His work in you.
- Partner up. Join with a spouse, a friend, or another Group member for prayer support as well as practical assistance in hospitality, follow-up and reporting.
- Be prepared. Review and discuss the sessions before your group arrives. Simply watch the short video, and read through the study guide in advance.
- Be open. GOD wants to use you as you are -- where you are in your own journey to connect with those in your Group. Most importantly, support each other in prayer while ensuring a safe harbor of confidentiality. Honor each other by listening, encouraging, praying, and keeping confidentiality as a non-negotiable principle.
- Encourage participation. While each of us is wired differently, it is important to facilitate conversation that encourages each type of personality to feel comfortable over time.
- Have fun. This is not just an item on your to-do list. This is GOD at work through your willingness to lead. Often groups begin with dinner where social connection becomes a key ingredient to trusting each other and growing together.
- Ask for input. Be flexible on how you lead, and ask the Group to help you meet their needs. There is not one perfect way to lead the Group. Do what works for you.
- Pray. Talk to God often and consistently about your Group. Your strength and sustenance will come from reading and seeking GOD in prayer. Surrender in advance to your own ideas and agendas, and replace them with inviting GOD to lead you and your group. You’ll be surprised what kind of insight you get to help you on your journey.
ENCOURAGE CONSISTENT ATTENDANCE: We want people to give priority to the Group meeting. Ask them to call or email if they will be late or can’t attend.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT: We want to create a safe place where people share and feel loved. So we won’t give quick answers, snap judgments or simple fixes.
RESPECT DIFFERENCES: We will be gentle and gracious to people with different levels of spiritual maturity, personal opinions, temperaments or imperfections.
CONFIDENTIALITY: We will keep anything that is shared strictly confidential.
ENCOURAGE GROWTH: We will make a conscious effort to reach out to others and share our spiritual life. We will use the unique spiritual talents God has given us.
WELCOME NEWCOMERS: We will keep an open chair so that God might bring someone new to our group.
SHARED OWNERSHIP: We will remember that each of us is a minister and will share team responsibilities.
ROTATE LEADERS: We want to have the option to encourage different people to HOST the group and lead the meeting. Who knows? Maybe they’ll HOST a Group next semester.
Why do I need a Co-host?
You need a co-host, because you will need a break! Think of someone (who you like) and invite them to join you as the co-host. There may be someone who signs up who can fit this role. Don’t do this alone!
What do we do about childcare? The short answer is, it’s up to you!
Offering childcare makes it easier for people to join your group. Consider some childcare options:
- Does someone from the church live nearby?
- Do you know a high schooler, or someone else who could attend, and look after kids?
- Don’t stress on this one – PRAY!
We want to hear how it went! Here’s how to stay in touch:
- Record your attendance in the Church Center app each week. You can do it while you’re still in the meeting. Just a few clicks is all it takes.
- Email your God stories to groups@theChapel.cc. We want to celebrate with you! That email is also a good place to send any questions or suggestions you might have.
- Share your Groups prayer requests (by permission only) with at theChapel.cc/pray.
Post some shots of your Group on social media and tag us @theChapeldotcc. Pics are better with friends!