
Stress - Week 2


Open in prayer, and then read this passage of Scripture with your Group. Jesus said:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30


Stress happens when pressure or tension is exerted on a material object that exceeds the object’s capacity. We’re stressed when the pressures of life exceed our capacity to handle them. The bad news is, pressure will never stop in this life. But the good news is that God created us with the capacity to endure it when we put our trust in Him. 

We can’t always control the weight of responsibility that comes our way, but with God’s help, we can choose our response. The best response to stress is baked right into Jesus’ words from Matthew 11. He said that when we’re feeling weary and burdened – when we’re feeling stressed, “Come to me.” That’s not the typical first response for most of us. We may tend to just try harder, Google another solution, blame somebody or just shut down. But when we respond by bringing that stress to God and to God’s people, we will find what the passage promises, “rest for our souls”. 

Living the way God created us to live means that even when the pressure is building, the tone of our soul is easy and our burden is light.


  1. What’s your “go to” when you experience stress? How do you typically respond? Why?
  2. What’s got you stressed right now? What response are you choosing?
  3. What are the ways that you have found to bring your heavy burdens to God?
  4. When was the last time you felt truly restful and at peace? 


  • Run to God! This week when you feel a moment of stress, as quickly as you can, get to a place of connection with God through prayer, worship or Scripture. Psalm 55:22
  • Tell somebody! God created this family of believers to increase our individual capacity. We’re directed in Scripture to “bear one another’s burdens”. Bring somebody in the loop and draw strength from their encouragement. Galatians 6:2
  • Lean into Sabbath! Grab a 24-hr period of time, and just shut it down. Enjoy the provision and favor of the Lord. Be connected with God and spend time with those you love.  Mark 2:27-28


Father, thank you that you are building my endurance and capacity to handle the pressures in my life. You are always there, and able to do so much more than I can do. Help me today with the courage to release my stressful situations to You. I’m going to bring my troubles and burdens to You, and in return, I’m trusting You to bring me Your peace. In Jesus’ great name I pray, Amen.


This is a great week to be transparent with your Group about how God helps you in areas of stress. The Lord can use your pain, and willingness to be vulnerable to bless those in your group and help them open up as well.